August 29, 2017

Henry Ward Beech said, “The first hour of the morning is the rudder of the day.”
How apt. Your morning is a very essential part of your day and creating the right habits in the morning will start you off on the right foot.
Here are a few great habits That can help you start your day on the right note.

WAKE UP WITH GRATITUDE : No matter how bad the economy is, always wake up with a grateful heart. Be thankful for the gift of life. It's always a privilege to see a new day.

PRAY /MEDITATE: when you wake up in the morning never forget to take a few minutes to meditate and give thanks to God who keeps you alive.

WAKE UP EARLY : early birds have been known to do much better in life than night owls. Some of the most successful people in the world are early birds. Research has shown that people who wake up early are more proactive. Also early birds have more time on their hands and are happier.

EAT BREAKFAST : your breakfast is the most important meal of the day, don't skip it. Your brain needs fuel to function and that's exactly what eating provides, it also helps your overall performance for the day. And if you think you loose weight by skipping breakfast, think again, you will only end up very hungry and end up overeating.

LISTEN TO INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC OR READ AN INSPIRATIONAL BOOK: starting your day with an inspirational song or an inspiring book is a great habit. It will help condition your mind positively and give you a great outlook for the day.

TAKE A GLASS OF LEMON WATER : squeezing lemon into a glass of warm water with a few drops of honey every morning is a habit you ought to develop, because it will help regulate your bowels in the morning. it also aids digestion.

PLAN YOUR DAY : they say if you fail to plan, you plan to fail, so make sure you have a clear cut definition of what you intend to achieve in a given day, and as much as it lies possibly within you, implement it.

SNACK ON WALNUTS : instead of snacking on pastries, or chips try to make a habit of eating walnuts. Walnuts are known as the king of nuts and they are incredibly healthy. They help flatten your stomach and leave you with a thinner waist line.

EXERCISE : but of course! Always take a few minutes in the morning to burn off the stored fat. A short bout of exercise just before breakfast is a great idea.

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  1. Nice post, these points are worth implementing. Being a morning person helps.

  2. its very nice tips and method, thanks for sharing this. i will try these steps in my life.

  3. I really enjoyed reading your post. I love that you gave information that is good for each part of a person's being- body, mind & spirit. And I like that you mention about creating prayer, meditation and gratitude as habits as well. I have incorporated much of what you shared in my morning routine- but I've never done the lemon water. I'll have to make that a part of my routine also. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

  4. You know when I was younger I might take this advise lightly. Now that I am older, I truly understand and experience how important it is to wake up earlier and take sometime to meditate upon waking up. At least give some time for ourself to be aware instead of rushing to our daily routine. Great advise and will remember that.

  5. i wake up earlier and do exercise others i will try

  6. Nice tips especially for those that still believe in god(s). I like your realistic look at life

  7. Nice tips especially for those that still believe in god(s). I like your realistic look at life

  8. Hi CHRISTIANA ACHA. Healthy morning tips. I was morning bird before my baby but now everything is upset. My morning schedule, a morning cup of tea. I hope your post can motivate me to something better.


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