Last Sunday was love Sunday in church and as you can imagine, it was quite awesome. You should start coming to my church, lol. We had lots of issues to talk about, trust youths.
one of the issues raised was whether you could marry someone you don't love as long as you know that it's God's will for you, or if you would rather stick with chemistry whether or not God's will.
Well, I was an onlooker, trust me I am not really one who loves to speak publicly, by the way what do I know. however, I was soaking up all the opinions that were flying around and I knew I had to talk about it on my blog. (a blogger gets inspired by everyone and everything, don't blame me)
I learnt a lot though, some people wouldn't marry someone they have no chemistry with or aren't physically attracted to, while others said If it's God's will count me in, no matter no matter. All good and fine.
As an individual and more importantly as a Christian (if you're not a Christian, this might not make sense to you)
I believe in love, chemistry, physical attraction et al but trust me when placed beside God's will, those things don't stand a chance, God's will Trumps them all. I know it's probably one of the hardest things you might have do. Because God's ways are not our ways literally!
Here's why I will go with God's will upon clear conviction, love can't sustain marriage, love fizzles away over time and when the storms of life appear I don't believe that love can carry you through it. don't you see how our celebrities keep on divorcing. I am sure there was love somewhere with the bradangelinas but time and chance happened.
God is our creator, he knows what's best for us, he's the manufacturer he knows all the details, he made the manual and expects us to follow it, if we want to have the best out of life. if he says jump, just jump.
Trouble will come in marriage any which way but when there's a conviction that God directed you to make the decision, you can rest assured that you will whether the storm.
Finally, on the issue of hearing from God,I know some people don't even know if it's possible to hear from God and some can't discern when he's the one speaking, you are on your own, better start praying now so that your dull ears can receive revival Lol.
Lists some qualities to look out for in a life partner check them out by clicking here
Thanks for reading
- May 02, 2017